Chapter 9
Power of Branding
Hopefully this book has given you a good primer on what brands are and what they can be with the right strategy. A good brand is about much more than just a logo – it’s about seeing your company as a movement rather than a service and creating something that people can get excited about.
It all starts with that mission statement, so ask yourself: what is it you really want to achieve? What does your business stand for?
Once you know that, your company will have the core of its identity and from there it’s a matter of communicating that identity in everything you do. That means creating beautiful products, having a strong logo and company name and expressing yourself through social media.
If you keep doing this well, then you won’t just have customers any more – you’ll have fans. Suddenly, the possibilities will be greater than ever before for where your company can go and what it can achieve!
Team Samrat Singh
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