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Being Really Happy Chapter 2 - Team Samrat Singh 13

Chapter 2:

Why People Are So Sad Today


“Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.” ― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

With everything happening around the world, with all the wars, natural calamities and other kinds of catastrophes that befall on the people, it is no longer a surprise that many of them end up sad, or worse, even depressed.

If you feel down or you got the blues, then, you should know that you are not alone. Every single person in this world gets sad. When you are sad, you will surely feel that that sadness is bound to last forever. But more often than not, sad feelings do not really last that long – several hours, or even a day or two probably.


Sadness – What is It?

When you feel sad, the whole world might seem unfriendly and dark to you all of a sudden. Deep inside you, you feel that hurt that seems to crush both your spirit and your heart. Most of the time, you find yourself crying, with the tears difficult to stop. For most people, crying alone can already make them feel better. The moment sadness starts fading away, that is the time when you feel as if the heavy and thick blanket has finally be lifted off your heart, and you feel happiness all over again.

The Natural Reasons for Sadness

It is only natural for a person to feel sad every now and then. Maybe you were not able to get that one thing that you have always wanted. Maybe you suddenly missed the presence of a person close to you. You were probably rejected by someone or maybe, you simply do not feel that good about yourself.

People actually have a lot of reasons why they feel so sad at one point in their lives. One of the most common reasons for sadness is loss. Losing someone you love or something important to you will surely induce feelings of sadness. Whether it is the loss of a loved one or a pet or moving to a brand new city and leaving your old friends behind, this kind of losses are enough reasons for a person to be sad.

While relationships are the best source of fun and happiness most of the time, these can still make a person sad. A lot of kids today end up fighting with other members of their family, particularly their parents, as they struggle growing up and gaining independence. Relationships in the workplace can also bring about sadness in most people today, especially when you are constantly having discussions with your colleagues or your boss does not seem to notice your hard work.

But probably the most usual reason why a lot of modern men and women today feel sad is because of self-image, or the way that you feel about yourself. Adults in particular are not totally happy on how they look. They feel inferior with others whether in school, at work and other aspects of their lives. It can be easily observed especially when talking with the opposite sex, with some people feeling shy to do so because for them, they are not that good enough.

While it might be pretty much understandable why many people today feel sad, there is actually no reason for them to dwell on this feeling. At the end of the day, being happy is something that they should strive to achieve, for many reasons.

Team Samrat Singh
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