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Team Samrat Singh Heritage & Ecotourism

                                       Heritage tourism

Heritage tourism is defined as “travel undertaken to explore and experience places, activities, and artifacts that authentically represent the stories and people of the past and present”. It is oriented toward cultural heritage of the tourist location. It involves visiting historical or industrial sites, religious travel or pilgrimages. India is well known for its rich heritage and ancient culture. The country’s rich heritage is amply reflected in the various temples, majestic forts, pleasure gardens, religious monuments, museums, art galleries and urban and rural sites which are citadels of civilisation. All these structures form the products of heritage tourism.


Ecotourism, also known as ecological tourism, is travel to natural areas to appreciate the cultural and natural history of the environment, while not disturbing the integrity of the ecosystem and creating economic opportunities that make conservation and protection of natural resources advantageous to local people. It involves travel to destinations where flora, fauna and cultural heritage are primary attractions. Ecotourism also minimises wastage and the environmental impact through sensitised tourists. It can be one of the medium to preserve local culture, flora and fauna and other natural resources.
India, with its great geographical diversity, offers several eco-tourism destinations. It is home to a wealth of ecosystems which are well protected and preserved. These include:
  •  Biosphere reserves
  •  Mangroves
  •  Coral reefs
  •  Deserts
  •  Mountains and forests
  •  Flora and fauna
  •  Seas, lakes and rivers
  •  Caves
The basic principles to be followed in ecotourism are:
  •  Minimise the impact
  •  Build environmental and cultural awareness and respect
  •  Provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts
  •  Provide direct financial benefits for conservation
  •  Provide financial benefits and empowerment for local people
  •  Raise sensitivity to political, environmental, and social climate of the host country
  •  Support international human rights and labour agreements.
A few places for ecotourism include the Himalayan region, Kerala, North East India, Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands. Thenmala in Kerala is the first planned ecotourism destination in India. Some most popular ecotourism locations in the country are Rishikesh, Kerala and Puducherry.
Ecotourism consists of:

  •  Eco parks
  •  Eco places
  •  Eco fauna
  •  Eco flora
  •  Eco destinations
  •  Eco trivia
  •  Eco treks
  •  Eco adventures
(Source From Ministry Of Touris)

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