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Team Samrat Singh 13$ - Role of Human Mind

Role of the human mind:-

To get the final shape perfection the raw human mind has to pass through several graded processes. Because the human mind travels with a tremendous speed and to any and all directions.

 (Good or bad irrespectively.) And it has got to be controlled, curbed, forced, and be given a proper directive to proceed to the usefulness of society and nation.

The human mind has got the huge capacity of thinking and learning and we must make the best use of this mental property by providing the best type of administration, education, and health.
It eliminates egotism from the human mind and thereby purifies it, for right thinking.
It is a great check to our sensual pleasures and luxuries which are the worst impediments to our progress.
The purity of body and mind by developing physical and mental health. By getting control over our impulses and desires by observing the common laws of nature in regular and routine, it is rather painful and difficult to practice but we have got to undergo all such hardships of life.
We must become master’s of our surrounding’s and circumstances boldly and should never try to become prey to it if really we have to exist and survive.
Mutual understanding: most of the work is spoiled by misunderstanding, we should try to read and understand the mind of one another, psychology behind any thought must be understood.
the discipline is maintained by mutual adjustment in a dignified and honorable manner.

If one is happy all are happy: a lasting peace and prosperity and happiness can only be attained when your senses do not desire to get the best benefits and the magnificent glamour of nature and it’s creations, but this is practically impossible in the materialistic world, a common man never think of it, so the only way is possible if all around are happy, prosperous, or at least feeling of brotherhood  in the minds of all persons.

A balanced mind:-

 This can be attained by deep thinking on all types of issues, all it’s pro-cons, and all about its long-lasting effects, and by a vast amount of experiencing knowledge & by regular practice, in case of difficulties and doubts he should remain calm and composed of, and take the middle course for decision.

Team Samrat Singh
Team Samrat Multiventures
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