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Team Samrat Singh - How Facebook Makes Money

Facebook :-

 Well facebook being Worlds Most popular Media Provider Creates No Content.Even didnt charged any of us being get using such a wonderful social media to expand your friend list globally. So how and from where they generate revenue. Well let get discuss about one of revenue generation module of Facebook called PPC which stands for Pay Per Click.Facebook where millions & Billions & Trillions of People with different taste, preference, age, religion, city, state, country keep sharing there personal database & expand social network globally.

Here facebook comes up with an idea to bring advertising module for advertisers on an individual facebook wall based on what they keep searched on google last day week or month.

what you can check by doing a simple task login to facebook and you will find website or advertisement on your right hand side of wall.  Now keep on search about your related your taste and preference for a day two or week.After a week you will observe the similar adds or website on facebook wall too.

Thats what makes Facebook advertising module special rather paying traditional advertising services available like Newspaper add, Radio Bites, TV adds and Big Hoardings, Where in Traditional advertising advertiser hardly get any demographics even being get paid in lacks where being get advertise through facebook one can get demographics like who had seen your advertisement from which country state city location wheather is he or she, age infact Like or dislike comments and share and if he or she like the product or services have to give there valid email id and contact number and sometimes home address too.

Which ultimately helps advertisers for research and further development in concerned area.

well Thats what didnt make me surprised the ultimate thing is Billions of click happen on Facebook daily which brings billions$ for Facebook...But the best part none of the clicks done by the employees of facebook its we who clicked on website showing on an individual Facebook page.
and the height is none of facebook user get paid for Clicking Website ...

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