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Showing posts from June, 2013

Team Samrat Singh Core Purpose & Core Values

Core purpose:- 1.    Challenging work, allowing creativity, opportunities for personal growth and advancement 2.    To increase individual title and responsibility of job ( achievement,recognition and status)           3.    To see that individuals fulfill their social needs through love ,belonging affiliation and acceptance 4.        To build safe and healthy working conditions ,compitant,consistent and fair leadership     5.        Individual fulfill their psychological needs like survival needs (air,water,food,clothing,shelter,pay,benefits and working conditions) Core values:- To see that individuals satisfy their esteem needs and are reasonably well satisfied. Self fulfillment is the need top realize once capacities and potentials by achieving specific goals that lead to personal growth and advancement. Regards, | Te...

Team Samrat Singh Concepts Of Training & Development

Concepts of training and development:- 1.        1.Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an individual for doing a particular job 2.        Training is an organized activity for increasing the technical skills of the individual to enable them to do particular job efficiently 3.        Development involves growth of an individual in all respects, it involves acquiring not only technical skills but also problem solving and decision making skills 4.        Development is continuous process of building competencies of individual and thus facilating overall development of individual 5.        Brings behavioral changes 6.        Through training and development all the management activities, process, discipline and groups like -information sharing -mantainence ...

Team Samrat Singh Benefits of Training

Benefits of training:- 1.       Acquisition of new skills 2.       Sharpen his skills for higher performance 3.       Higher moral- as they know their work well commits lesser no. of mistakes thereby    feel satisfied which increases their moral 4.       With the help of training attitude towards their work, they were more cooperative and loyal 5.       Dissatisfaction ,complaints can be reduced 6.       Training helps to reduce the learning time to reach the acceptable level of performance 7.       Individual will not learn by trial and error or by observing others and waste his time in learning 8.       Less supervision- if the individual through training programs the responsibility of supervision is lessened 9....

Team Samrat Singh Motivation Process

The motivation process:- Needs – needs activated – motive – changed behavior – satisfaction of needs—achievement of goals Purpose of training:- 1. To develop their skills in handling different kinds of works. 2. To build up their confidence level. 3. To increase overall knowledge of different sections for betterment of their performance. 4. Role playing- its purpose to increase the trainees skill in dealing with others. 5. Conduct seminars- for development of trainee’s knowledge and skills examined by experts in that field where he realizes that there is more than one workable approach to any problem 6. Special lectures and discussions are also known as classroom training. Lectures on concerned topics like quality, confidence building etc. 7. Orientation training where trainee gets acquainted with basics of work performance by knowing work environment thereby building his confidence for performance. It ensures trainee should not form f...

Team Samrat Singh Vision, Foresight & Mission

Our vision and foresight:- We at Team Samrat Academy keep ourselves in touch with the external environment which helps in predicting what is going to happen in future which will influence the working of the enterprises. We also take steps to ensure that the enterprises are able to meet the demands of changing environment. By that enterprises meet their objectives and goals which are essential for the success of any organization. Our mission:- Is to motivate individual through the process of influencing or stimulating a person by providing particular knowledge to take right action that will accomplish a desired goal. Regards, | Team Samrat Singh | +91-8087788822 | |  | | | |