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Showing posts from July, 2019

Team Samrat Singh 13- Emotional Distractions

Emotional Distractions Emotions- is a thing that cannot see or touch, only you can feel presence through your heart. Most strong weapon for your destruction and construction too. It work’s on individual thoughts and everyone starts working as per their emotions, without thinking whether it is good or bad. Thereby it is important to know how to control your emotions for the right purpose of action. Impact of negative emotions on your day to day life.                                                               In net shell it is important to control our emotions for better results, so instead of only feeling start thinking. There were a few steps we can follow for better results:- Stop instant reactions be calm and composed, try to understand all prospective of the subject, for better results. Replace your negative emotions with positive ones. Try to shift yourself in a healthy atmosphere. Forgive others so that you can detach yourself and feel fr

Team Samrat Singh 13 - Entrepreneurship skill

Entrepreneurship skill The basic skills required for anyone who likes to lead his new startup were:- Able to create plans and execute them, focused on their routines and utilize his time for a constructive outcome. You don’t need to be perfect everywhere and at everything, only you have to understand where you are a week, and where you are strong. Accordingly, rectify your weaknesses and work on your strong points. Make choices of your friends and nearby individuals who will support your needs and understand your feelings, having great people in your team will build your strength for success which is an essential part to achieve your targets. Have the skill to know how to deal with ups and downs in any business is important, by a desire to make a positive change to meet the desired goal. Try to spot a new trend, technologies, and changes coming in your business development, keep yourself updated. Focus on your customer’s actual needs –accordingly des