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Showing posts from September, 2018

Team Samrat Singh 13 - Importance Of Making Good Relations

Importance of Making Good relations It comes in your basic needs to make, and develop good relations and build connectivity between your close ones for our living and happiness in life. Good connections relieve stress, provide comfort and joy, as well as prevent us from loneliness and isolation, this will strengthen yourself mentally as well physically, and improve our social life. For that you have to do:- Being interested in them with your supportive, trustworthy and reliable nature. Spending time with happy and positive friends can boost your mood as well as enhance your personality. Friends can really boost your willpower and increase your chances of success. Friends can support you to recover from serious illness and other challenges in life. Your friends will make you feel needed and gives the purpose of life. With good friends, you build trust by developing a deep level of understanding to express how you think and feel about things. Listen to you

Team Samrat Singh 13 - Basics of Training and Development

Basics of training and development What is the meaning of training:- to motivate people for their best performances as well to explore their hidden talents, to educate with current new developments and for their skill development. Why training is important:- to gain the required skills, information, methods as well to be highly motivated for their given tasks. ·           It enhances your individual personality. ·           A Nobel profession of teaching and learning. ·           Continuous learning and enhancing your personal growth. ·           To achieve your goals to lead a purposeful life. ·           Fulfill the basic needs of the individual, like the association with masses, satisfaction, as well as earnings to fulfill individual basic needs. ·           To understand and apply, the principle of the trend, technology, and speed for best individual performance. How it will be done:- ·           Use of computer. ·           Command on