Who you want to be When we are caught up in thinking about who we want to become, just because our ego comes in the way, and we stop working, we began-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to giving more importance on things that don’t matter.---our position in life, and how other people view us----- rather than on what we accomplish and that’s a real thing matter’s. You are what you do when you’re not doing it, you’re not that thing, and you don’t earn a little because it’s what you and your ego want to be. Titles don’t matter because titles don’t produce value. Only thing matter’s who you are in the present moment. Instead of worrying about becoming xyz focus on the work you want to do, and do it. Stop worrying about becoming certain title, and start doing the work that you’ve been waiting to do until you get that title. Instead of being concerned about how people will evaluate you, stop thinking start doing one...
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